Cursed toy 666

The begin

i was a big fan of littlest pet shop until now. when i was shopping i noticed a normal looking toy. it's cover was blue with poka dots and it said LPS special surprise. it had a blank disc taped to it so i brought it. it was 6.66 dollars. i popped the disc in. there was a png file titled, "shesdead". i clicked on it and it was penny lings meeting her imaginary family but it has hyperrealistic BLOOD! and they had a bloodshot eyes. then there is a video file title "cattypatty.avi" so i clicked on it. there were 2 cats. the purple one said "my name is" before a loud beep is heard. then the pink cat kills the purple cat. then, wow wow wubsy popped up and jumpscared me. he killed the 2 cats and ripped out their hearts. he puts the hearts and souls into his heart and his hert explodes. i screenshotted the imagery. i carefully unwrapped the toy and it was horrifying. then the toy stabbed me. my heart then exploded but i lived. i committed a suicide the day after that.


the toy came to life but i put it in boiling water and ate it. i trapped the soul inside the evil toy and lived happily ever after.


please do not delete or vandalize this story. the story was made when i was 12 and i decided to post it here with a few changes